Here’s where you can find all of the news and (mostly) views that’s fit to print. This will include humourous observations of the news of the day as well as the epic rants and well-researched deep dives you’ve come to love through the years and preserved for posterity through the magic of the Internet.

From the “The First Step Is By Far The Hardest” Dept:

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. I felt fear myself more times than I can remember, but I hid it behind a mask of boldness. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."Nelson Mandela from "Long Walk to Freedom" (1994) During last night's Carolina Hurricanes game, the broadcast lineup had a very noticeable change with Shane Willis…

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From the “Home of One More Plane!” Dept:

YouTube recently served up a channel that I'm truly obsessed with when I want something on the TV that is relaxing hearing the air traffic control chatter and occasional sounds of jet engines spooling up whilst I'm surfing or just chilling out in the chair. I've been a plane spotter about as long as I can remember and there's nothing quite like the hint of JET-A in the air but when it's late at night…

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From the “Hello, It’s Been a While!” Dept:

It's always a pleasant surprise when you find someone you've not seen in a while on the TV! Today it is my sister's former boss when she was Artistic Director at the Gilbert Theater in Fayetteville and generally all-round awesome human being...Robyne Parrish! :) She's not on screen for long but she was there long enough for me to do a double-take and Zapruder the credits to ensure my eyes weren't deceiving me. You might…

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From the “Please Forgive These Random Thoughts” Dept:

You ever go walkabout and find your mind wandering to far off and imaginary places as you're driving along early in the morning before the sunrise? As I'm driving along the motorway toward Clayton to collect Katie and Alex for school, I noticed that Venus was exceptionally bright as usual but the hellish planet named for the goddess of beauty had a couple of friends nearby. The red colour of her nearest neighbour was unmistakably…

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From the “Ain’t I A Stinker?” Dept:

Anyone who has spent any appreciable amount of time on Twitter will know that particular social media outlet is particularly well-named, even if they didn't intend to do so. After all, what would Twitter be without the massive legions of twits? ;) In this particular case, I couldn't help but suggest to one of the bigger twits that he might well have had what passed for a decent idea when he suggested that his father…

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From the “Invasion of the Chicken Snatchers” Dept:

Every now and then I stumble across a situation that initially looks like all hell is going to break loose but somehow manages to restore my faith in the ability of our species to find our way to a better future. This time, this rather unexpected revelation came in the meat department at Sam's Club on Capital Blvd. One of the gems of that area of Sam's is the rotisserie chicken ovens and the fantastic…

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From the “Guns Are Useless Against Ukrainian Woman Armed With Sunflower Seeds!” Dept:

When Vladimir Putin's illegal and abhorrent invasion of sovereign Ukraine started several days ago, it looked very much like David v Goliath part deux with David not getting a whole lot of love from the bookmakers. After all, the massive imbalance between the number of troops and material was such that anyone laying odds on the conflict lasting a week before Putin could install his puppet government in Kyiv would have to seriously juice the…

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From the “Ukraine? Tell Me More…?” Dept:

Do you… have no idea where and what Ukraine is?wonder why Vladimir Putin ordered the tanks and troops as well as missile strikes into Ukraine?why this invasion seems a suspiciously familiar story that seems to have played out many times before?question why Vladimir Putin seems obsessed with the possibility of NATO expansion into Ukraine?think this conflict won't affect your day-to-day life?have a clue as to what the ultimate end result of this invasion will be?ask…

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From the “Російський військовий корабель, іди на хуй!!” Dept:

Translated - "Russian warship, go f*@# yourself!"Pronounced - "Rosiysʹkyy viysʹkovyy korabelʹ, idy na khuy!"Ukrainian Defenders of snake island The fighting spirit of the 101st Airborne Division is alive and well as Ukraine is resisting the Russian invasion of their country! A Russian warship demanded that the thirteen souls defending Snake Island surrender their position and their response has since gone viral and served notice that whilst Putin's Russia may well have overwhelming force on their…

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From the “Мудро изучать пути своего противника, не так ли?” Dept:

Translated - "It is wise to study the ways of one's adversary, don't you think?" Pronounced - "Mudro izuchat' puti svoyego protivnika, ne tak li?"Jack Ryan, "The Hunt for Red October" The invasion currently underway in Ukraine will come as a surprise only to those who have not been paying attention for these past few years, much less the last couple of weeks when President Biden and other western leaders finally got round to sounding…

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