From the “Home of One More Plane!” Dept:

From the “Home of One More Plane!” Dept:

YouTube recently served up a channel that I’m truly obsessed with when I want something on the TV that is relaxing hearing the air traffic control chatter and occasional sounds of jet engines spooling up whilst I’m surfing or just chilling out in the chair.

I’ve been a plane spotter about as long as I can remember and there’s nothing quite like the hint of JET-A in the air but when it’s late at night and the observation park at RDU is closed, this is the next best thing.

Peter and Cat of the “LA Flights” channel set up their cameras and laptop at one of the three popular spotting locations round LAX with Bat Bridge being the preferred spot to watch the action on the 24’s on the north side and Clutter’s Park off Imperial for covering the action going on the 25’s on the south side which has most of the heavy cargo action.

Once they open the live stream, they will be there for hours with Peter giving the play-by-play and Cat manning the camera. And when I say hours, I mean *HOURS* with their streams often going to YouTube’s maximum of 12 hours of recorded footage and beyond.

And all that happens after they’ve made a 2-3 hour drive from their home in Apple Valley to LAX and will have that journey waiting for them afterward.

Now *THAT* is dedication to spotting! Or impressive stubbornness…take yer pick! ๐Ÿ™‚

This episode was pretty special as they caught Air Force Two carrying VP Kamala Harris returning to LAX from a quick day run up to SFO. There was no way I was missing that custom VIP version of the Boeing 757 so yes…there I am after midnight Eastern time waiting for her arrival along with about 3K other nerds watching the stream.

Once she’d touched down, of course I had to check out the rocket launch of Air Force Two earlier in the day because I’m a plane nerd, plane and simple! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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