Two New Categories Added

Two New Categories Added

Two new categories make their debut in the BLOG:

  • Harrowing Tales of Customer Service
  • What’s For Dinner?

The Harrowing Tales details the good, bad, and the outright ugly of “customer service” interactions which I am absolutely convinced will kill me far more quickly than cancer or someone brandishing a gun!

The “Chick Fil-Audit” series of BLOG posts live in the Harrowing Tales category which give a play-by-play breakdown of life spent in the massive Chick Fil-A drive-through queues and rates the experience based on the initial greeting, order correctness, quality of the waffle fries, and how good was their sandwich.

It’s not meant to be a scientific examination of Chick Fil-A’s drive-through operations though the series was born after spending 37 minutes in the queue at the Knightdale location and a morbid curiosity of just how long it was going to take to finally make it through!

The Chick Fil-Audits have taken on a life of their own, not the least because the Carolina Hurricanes keep winning and giving us free sandwiches when they win at PNC which they’ve been doing an awful lot of this season! (go Canes!).

But it is fascinating seeing the differences in experience between the locations and how they’ve changed over time.

Besides which, it’s either take notes or twiddle thumbs and I don’t deal with boredom very well! ๐Ÿ˜‰

The other new category is “What’s For Dinner” which will be used for bragging about particularly memorable dishes and generally making the readers jealous due to a bounty buffet of food porn! My cousin Scott has inspired this with his occasional food porn posts from the greater metropolitan St Louis area that leave me salivating and wishing his Conch Republic was a bit more convenient! ๐Ÿ™‚

Enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚

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